carles reig's rereteatre
dijous, 18 de desembre del 2008
Golly Jeez Goff, full of goofy in the preface to the first edition of Travessa deserts, his lame pupil, Golly Jeez Goff followed the trend, trying to pin down the “estil reigià,” the “obra reigiana,” the “textos reigians,” the “peces reigianes,” and so on... [That preface, by the way, is extremely funny, and totally idiotic. “The Reigian text (he says) it’s scenic enough; until suddenly it falls into excess, even gratuitous excess; the coprolatrous author, often he’s just gone; addicted to upmanship; and now and then even, he’s, ah, so mean, no holds barred, wading in brackish mirth, wallowing in caca, lolling and hiving..., a degenerate hero, spontaneous boners in his trousers, his pockets in tatters, spent, plus the churned up shits or jizzms staining the whole fabric of plots and characters...”]
what a lot of dreck to fill bumpf with!
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remucs de nyoques batialles i d'altres llavors als cavallons
Lletovaris als faldars
Polifem a l'atzucac de la Glòria
l'oli l'ala i l'olor
Carreró de mala mort
Enderrocs amb rates
La ingènua la violen aclaparadorament i silenciosa
Polifems fora d'estudi
Programació Nacional Còdolo-Calapetenca
Rei Polifem amb garrots i guillotines per barret
a pain on the right side
edat durada d'estada i probabilitats de migració
els pastorets
fenyut resclum
l'obra asmàtica del besavi
preterits desorbitats rèprobes
too awful
un escarabat de llauna
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